Well, friends I know your first reaction to this post would be like what the heck... There are so many sources on the net where you can get this detail so what is new to it. So, to that I would like to tell my friend that I own the above model and for last some days I have gone through tens of such information that I get on the internet to configure gmail but to vain. Today, luckily I am able to do so with certain hit and trial and so I felt to share the same with you people so that you can also benefit from it...
So here goes the details,
After running the email setup wizard, go to edit option of the connection created and enter the details as below..
Account Name: Gmail
SMTP Server: smtp.gmail.com
SMTP Port: 465
Secure Connection : SSL
Incoming Server Type: POP3
POP3 Server: pop.gmail.com
POP3 Port: 995
APOP login: untick
Secure Connection: SSL
Download Limit: 500
Retrieveing option: Subject Only
Keep on server: tick
My Address -->
Username: username@gmail.com
Password: gmail password
POP before SMTP : untick
SMTP auth. : tick
Same as POP3/IMAP4: Tick
Save it and you are done...
Seems simple eh!!! Enjoy gmail on your phone now... :-)