Changing PHP 5.4 initialization configuration on Go Daddy account | SESSION not created issue

Well, Today I figured out a solution to a weird problem that I had been facing and which had wasted almost 2 days of mine. And this also makes me think how error proof and reliable are the automated scripts used by the Hosting service providers like Go Daddy.

In order to be capable of using the latest PHP features, I got the PHP version of my GoDaddy account upgraded. All hell broke loose since then :-(
The session management on the site went haywire. In fact session was not working itself.
The session information in PHP is maintained in a file that is placed in some specific folder.
The folder location is mentioned in the PHP.ini file.
It is also important that you  MUST have WRITE access to this particular file/folder.

But the buggy upgrade system on GoDaddy hosting does not automatically provide you write access to the default folder. Hence, after an upgrade you are forced to change the SESSION folder to a location where you have write access.

But, at the same time you do not have write access to the PHP.ini file as well.
After lot of Google search I found that though we cannot modify the default PHP.ini file; we can create a custom PHP config file and place it in the HOSTING ROOT location. Thus GoDaddy uses the configuration from this file rather that the ones in default configuration.

Now, for different version of PHP / Type of Hosting Plan; there is specific name that you need to give to the custom config file of yours.

Please refer to the following URL for the name that you must give to you custom PHP.INI

If you are upgrading to PHP version 5.4 on GoDaddy Hosting the name of the config file has to be .user.ini and must be placed at Root of account 

Hope this tip saves you the huge amount of time that I lost
Happy coding :-)