Hello There,
I recently had a requirement to use PHP ImageMagick Plugin for one of my project.
So, I created this sample project that I am sharing here for you to use in case you need help.
This Project demonstrates how can you use the ImageMagick plugin in PHP to convert images / PDF from one format to another. More details about imageMagick here --> About ImageMagick
1. Open PHPInfo and check:
Architecture = x86 or x64
Thread Safety = yes or no
2. Download ImageMagick from:
In my case I downloaded: ImageMagick-6.9.3-7-vc11-x86.zip
because the Architecture under PHPInfo is x86
as for vc11 or vc14
search google for "visual c++ 11 runtime" or
"visual c++ 14 runtime" and install it
3. Unzip and copy all dlls from the bin subfolder to the
Apache bin directory. It's a bunch of CORE_RL_*.dll
and IM_MOD_RL_*.dll plus a few other dlls.
In my case, I installed XAMPP in C:\XAMPP, so:
(from zip) bin/*.dll --> C:\XAMPP\apache\bin
4. Goto: http://pecl.php.net/package/imagick
as of today, latest is 3.4.1 so I went to:
My PHP version is: 5.6.18, and Thread Safety is Yes from Step #1, so I downloaded:
5.6 Thread Safe (TS) x86
I got: php_imagick-3.4.1-5.6-ts-vc11-x86.zip
5. Unzip and copy "php_imagick.dll" to the php extension folder:
In my case:
php_imagick.dll -> C:\XAMPP\php\ext
6. Edit "php.ini" and add at the very end
(Location of php.ini for me was C:\XAMPP\php\php.ini)
7. Restart Apache
8. Check PHPInfo
scroll to section (or find): imagick
number of supported formats: 234
If there is no "imagick" section or "supported format" is 0,
something went wrong. Try all the steps carefully again
I recently had a requirement to use PHP ImageMagick Plugin for one of my project.
So, I created this sample project that I am sharing here for you to use in case you need help.
About the project
How do I get set up?
Follow these steps to properly install and enable ImageMagick in you environment.1. Open PHPInfo and check:
Architecture = x86 or x64
Thread Safety = yes or no
2. Download ImageMagick from:
In my case I downloaded: ImageMagick-6.9.3-7-vc11-x86.zip
because the Architecture under PHPInfo is x86
as for vc11 or vc14
search google for "visual c++ 11 runtime" or
"visual c++ 14 runtime" and install it
3. Unzip and copy all dlls from the bin subfolder to the
Apache bin directory. It's a bunch of CORE_RL_*.dll
and IM_MOD_RL_*.dll plus a few other dlls.
In my case, I installed XAMPP in C:\XAMPP, so:
(from zip) bin/*.dll --> C:\XAMPP\apache\bin
4. Goto: http://pecl.php.net/package/imagick
as of today, latest is 3.4.1 so I went to:
My PHP version is: 5.6.18, and Thread Safety is Yes from Step #1, so I downloaded:
5.6 Thread Safe (TS) x86
I got: php_imagick-3.4.1-5.6-ts-vc11-x86.zip
5. Unzip and copy "php_imagick.dll" to the php extension folder:
In my case:
php_imagick.dll -> C:\XAMPP\php\ext
6. Edit "php.ini" and add at the very end
(Location of php.ini for me was C:\XAMPP\php\php.ini)
7. Restart Apache
8. Check PHPInfo
scroll to section (or find): imagick
number of supported formats: 234
If there is no "imagick" section or "supported format" is 0,
something went wrong. Try all the steps carefully again