Recently, I landed into my worst fear i.e. my work computer crashed and I had to setup a new machine from scratch. In the entire recovery process; installing the OS the most tedious work.
It was then when I realized the lack of proper documentation regarding how to create a bootable USB drive to install windows 7 or windows 8
With lot of pain I found a tutorial and I would like to share the steps with all of you;
It was then when I realized the lack of proper documentation regarding how to create a bootable USB drive to install windows 7 or windows 8
With lot of pain I found a tutorial and I would like to share the steps with all of you;
- Open the windows command prompt in the Administrator modeType following commands in sequence i.e.
- diskpart (Note: This will open a new command window. Please do not close the previous command window as we will need that later)
- list disk
- select disk 1 (Note: here disk 1 is the disk number of the usb drive)
- clean
- create partition primary
- select partition 1
- active
- format fs=ntfs quick
- assign
- exit (Note: This will close the command window and you will land into the original / first command window)
Execute the following commands in the command window that is open i.e.
- cd d:\windows7_install\boot (Note: Navigate to directory named boot under the windows installation directory. For me it was in the D: drive in windows7_install directory)
- bootsect.exe/nt60 e: (Note: Here e: is the drive letter of the USB drive. Make sure that you make no mistake in this step)
- Your bootable USB drive is all set now. Copy the windows 7 or windows 8 install directory in the USB drive and restart the computer with boot from USB disk option selected in the BIOS.
- You computer boots from the USB drive. Now you can execute the setup from the install directory that you copied in previous step
Cheers !! :-)
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